Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Top 10 Things You Should Know About Me

This week's Tuesday Top Ten is 10 Things You Should Know About Me.  Yes, things you should know...all very important, of course.

  1. I/we am/are beginning our 10th year of homeschooling.  I believe I've mentioned this before, but I'm kind of amazed myself!  Where does the time go???
  2. I'm certified as a Montessori teacher, so that affects my approach to homeschooling and parenting.  
  3. I'm the youngest of six.  And I'm 6 years younger than my closest sibling.  5 sisters, 1 brother - he got his own room.  Actually, I did, too, after the others started moving out.
  4. I love tea.  There's nothing like a mug of hot tea on a cold day.  I miss it in the summer when it's too hot for a hot beverage.  Sure, I switch to iced tea, which is good, but it's not the same.
  5. I am an INFP.  This is based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which I find to be the most accurate personality test for me.  
  6. I'm a procrastinator.  Sometimes I put things off because I really don't want to do them, like hemming my husband's pants, but then when I finally get around to it, I wonder why I dreaded it.  I mean, really, hemming isn't that big a deal - just a little boring.  Other times I put things off because I'm not sure how to do it, so instead of just jumping in and trying, I put it off and make starting all the harder.  And most of the time, when I do get around to doing it, it's not as bad as I thought it would be.
  7. I hate to shop.  The crowds, the annoying music, the trying-on (nothing ever fits).  And it's about a 35 minute drive to any of the three closest malls.  That makes a trip to the mall take up almost the whole afternoon!  (I just found out I have to return a pair of Land's End shorts to the closest Sears...)
  8. I'm just 5 feet tall.  If you were to meet me in person, you would notice.  It also helps explain why I have such a hard time finding clothes that fit me.
  9. I have issues with my glucose levels.  Even on a low-glycemic diet (essentially low carb), I struggle to keep my glucose out of pre-diabetic levels.  When I first started this diet, I lost about 10% of my weight, and I have managed to keep the weight down, but not necessarily the glucose level.  I need to go for a blood test later this week to see how I've been doing the last few months.  Wish me luck!
  10. I got a Kindle this past winter, which I like overall.  I love the convenience of it fitting in my purse when I know I'm going to be waiting, such as waiting for my kids' activities to be done.  I also love that when I come across a word I'm unfamiliar with, I can just touch it and the definition pops up!  So much easier than waiting until I get home (or walking across the room) to look it up, which I normally forget.  But my kids keep hijacking it to play Every Word Crossing.  They even changed it to a timed game.  I prefer the non-timed game, so I can find all the words and not have the game just end on me!  
So there you have it, 10 things about me.  And now you know why I always post these Top Ten lists so late in the day: I procrastinated!

This post is linked to Top Ten Tuesday.

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