Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"Reluctant" Learners?

I recently discovered the website Project-Based Homeschooling.  Today I read a blog post there titled "The Myth of the Reluctant Learner".  An excerpt:
No child is reluctant to learn. Every child strives to learn as much as he can. There are only children who are strongly resistant to being told what to learn and how to learn it. There are children who are more stubborn about being forced to learn things that don’t interest them or don’t seem useful. There are children who are less able to tolerate boredom and children who are less able to tolerate sitting still for long periods of time trying to focus on something that has no importance or meaning to them.
Let's just say that I am familiar with some of these types of children.  I whole-heartedly agree with what she says and couldn't say it better myself.  Check it out.


  1. I agree. "Reluctant" learners are classified and labeled because they don't fit the prominent way society teachers. These children often have genius just waiting to burst through. Once we tap into their ways of learning, the opportunities and learning expand exponentially.

  2. Absolutely! Often these kids are just not interested in what the teacher is trying to teach, or just more interested in something else at that time.
