Friday, October 12, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up: October 12

It's been a while since I posted a weekly wrap-up.  Our Fridays tend to be busy, so often it's late Saturday, Sunday, or even Monday before I realize that I never got to it!  So what have we been doing?  In a way, I feel like we have not been doing all that much, but it seems to take up a lot of time!

Swimmah reminded me that I had told her back in August that we would take Columbus Day off.  We usually don't, because my husband has always had to work that day and it has always felt like just another day.  But we took it off this year.  We typically need a break by this point in the year, anyway.  I think a day with nothing to do was just what we needed.

Swimmah is writing a research paper on sea turtle conservation for her writing class this session.  She has to have at least five sources, with no more than one of those being a website.  She searched our local library for books and magazines, but it didn't have anything she was looking for.  She was able to find some books at other libraries in the area, however.  Of course, that meant driving to four different town libraries for four different books, as there is not time to wait for inter-library loan.  We went in one direction Wednesday afternoon and in the other direction Friday early afternoon.  Then writing class was at 3:00, diving lesson at 6:00, swim practice at 7:00.  Phew!

Thursday I took advantage of the beautiful sunny weather and pulled up the dying tomato plants, eggplant, what was left of the cucumber vine...  Something ate all my kale (it certainly wasn't my family!) so I pulled the remnants of that, too.  It's a little sad, but it does look neater and I do love fall.  They say there's going to be a frost tonight - we haven't had to use the heat yet, but I suspect it will come on tomorrow morning!  That's OK, I love the crisp weather.  I hope to get out this weekend for a hike to see the foliage!  What are your plans this weekend?

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